Hubungan Perawatan Paliatif Perawat Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pada Pasien Penderita Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) Di Ruang 3A West Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital

  • Sri Mawarti
  • Lenny Lusia Simatupang
Keywords: Palliative Care, Quality of Life, NPC (Nasopharyngeal Cancer).


Palliative care includes nutritional management, relieving pain and reducing the severity of symptoms that arise due to the disease or due to side effects of therapy or other complaints that are no longer responsive to curative therapy, as well as seeking improvements in psychological, social and spiritual aspects. The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between nurse palliative care and the quality of life of NPC (Nasopharyngeal Cancer) patients. Research method used a cross section design in the form of observations after palliative care was carried out during treatment. This research was conducted within 2 months with a total of 42 respondents. The results obtained are that there is a significant relationship between the role of palliative care by nurses on the quality of life of NPC (Nasopharyngeal Cancer) patients. Good palliative care will have a good quality of life for 21 people (50.0%).



Perawatan paliatif meliputi penanganan nutrisi, menghilangkan nyeri dan mengurangi keparahan gejala yang timbul akibat penyakit tersebut ataupun akibat efek samping terapi atau keluhan lain yang tidak lagi responsif terhadap terapi kuratif, serta mengupayakan perbaikan dalam aspek psikologis, sosial dan spiritual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan perawatan paliatif perawat terhadap kualitas hidup penderita NPC (Nasopharyngeal Cancer). Metode Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectuinal  berupa observasi setelah dilakukan perawatan paliatif selama dirawat. penelitian ini dilakukan dalam waktu dalam waktu 2 bulan dengan jumlah 42 orang responden. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara peran perawatan paliatif oleh perawat terhadap Kualitas hidup pasien NPC (Nasopharyngeal Cancer), perawatan paliatif yang baik akan mempunyai kualitas hidup baik sebanyak 21 orang (50,0%).
